Sunday, December 20, 2009

Color Your Love Mandala

A group of us gathered to color this Love Mandala from Arielle Ford's Soulmate Kit and within a year all of us had received the love we were calling in. Here is how you work with it...

"Treat it as a sacred ceremony. Do it at a time when you have an open heart and a clear mind. Color each small area with crayons or colored pencils, use different colors for different qualities, while vocalizing and meditating on the qualities you want in a soul mate."

You can create your own ceremony around it, here is what we did...

To clear our minds, we gathered around a nice meal and took time to catch up, laugh, and chat. To clear our hearts we did a simple clearing meditation. Then we set our intentions and began coloring. We talked as we colored; some of it was light conversation and some of it was clear intention.

When we were finished, we admired the mandalas and took turns speaking the qualities we had colored in. At home, we each hung our Love Mandala in a special place.

Within months, love began manifesting for each of us. We laughed as we remembered the Love Mandalas.

Download the Love Mandala.
Read more about manifesting your soul mate, from Arielle Ford.

(Source: The Soulmate Kit: How To Prepare To Manifest and Meet Your Soulmate, By Arielle Ford)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Law of Abundance Checks

This is a fun practice that will help you shift your focus and energy toward abundance.

Every new moon, write a check to yourself from your checking account for the amount of "paid in full" and sign it "Law of Abundance." There is no need to date the check.

We like to put the check in the Feng Shui wealth (abundance, fortunate blessings, ability to receive) area of the room or house. According to the Intuitive Feng Shui Ba Gua, this is the far left corner when you are standing in the main entry and facing into the room or home. You can also place the check on an altar or other meaningful place.

New moon dates can be found online through any popular search engine.

Enjoy the results.