Monday, May 27, 2013

Mudra of Peace

This is another Vessels of Peace practice. 

The Mudra of Peace is an outward symbol of your inner intention to presence peace in and for our world.

To begin, stand in front of your altar or outside in nature or wherever you are guided to be and take a few seconds to center yourself.

Breathe slowly and rhythmically through your nose throughout the practice, coordinating your movements to your breath. If you know the yoga form of audible breathing called ujayii breath, feel free to use it.
  1. Breathing in, bring your hands together in prayer pose out in front of you about 8 to 9 inches. Breathing out, bring them toward you and rest them, still in prayer pose, at your heart center, bowing your head slightly towards your fingertips.
  2. Breathing in, slowly move your hands upward, still in prayer pose, until they are above your head.  Breathing out, stretch your arms into a V, as if doing the sun salutation, and look slightly upward and out.
  3. Breathing in, with your arms still stretched in the V, slowly bring your hands towards each other, palms facing, until they are about 6 inches from each other. Breathing out, slowly lower them to 8 to 9 inches in front of your heart center again, bringing the base of the hand/wrist area together to form a V or vessel shape. Your hands are not rigidly straight but curved slightly so that the vessel is softer, as if lovingly cradling that which it holds.
  4. Breathing in, bring your hands, still held in this vessel pose, slowly towards your heart center. As they are almost to your heart center, begin to breathe out and let the right palm turn inward against your heart center with the left palm lying on top of it as if enfolding the vessel and its contents into your heart center.
  5. Breathing in, keeping your hands close to your body, turn your palms back towards each other, forming the prayer pose position at your heart center again. Breathing out, close your eyes and bow your head towards your fingertips in gratitude. 
  6. Breathing in, let your hands gently move apart out of prayer pose until they are down by your sides, palms facing out/forward. At the same time, let your head come up, looking out again. Breathing out, stay in that position and whisper or repeat silently one round of the peace mantra "Peace, Om Shanti, Salaam, Shalom."  As you do this, have the intention and awareness that the healing power of peace that comes form the global heart is streaming out through your palms into the world. 
Repeat this sequence at least four times, more if you are guided. When it feels complete, spend some time in quiet contemplation or meditation.

Working with the Vessels of Peace practices will strengthen your ability to choose peace in all your thoughts, words, and actions and will act as a catalyst for the process of partnering with the Divine Feminine.

(Source: Vessels of Peace Journal [online], 9/17/2006, Merging with the Global Heart through the Mudra of Peace, by Lynda Terry, author of The 11 Intentions: Invoking the Sacred Feminine as a Pathway to Peace)

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