Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Energy Building

These energy building practices help you call in love and light, from the sky or earth, to fill yourself up and extend that love and light to other beings.

Energy Building
There are three basic steps to this practice: bringing in the light, arm and body patting, and clapping and chanting. Do each part for a few minutes. (Source: James Twyman)
  1. Step 1: Imagine light coming in through your crown and in to your heart. Breathe in and say to yourself "light be in me." Visualize your heart on fire (full of light) while holding your breath for 3 seconds. While exhaling, say out loud "light be as me" and visualize the light going in all directions and blessing everything in its path.
  2. Step 2: Hold your arms out, palms down. Start patting from your shoulder down to the hand, then flip your hand over and pat the other side of your arm. Then pat the other arm. You may also pat your body, dance, jump, etc. Be creative.
  3. Step 3: Chant "Hi" enthusiastically while clapping. This means "yes" in Japanese. Feel the energy of Yes.
  4. Step 4: Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  5. Step 5: Chant "Hu". This means the power of God. Feel the power of God within.
  6. Step 6: Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  7. Step 7: Chant "open", while visualizing three great streams of light coming down into your body.
Ground and Let the Energy of Mother Earth Fill You
When you are full of love and light, it seals and protects your aura and there is no room for negative energies to enter. You are also in a better place to extend this love and light to others.
  1. Stand or sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Holding your hands at waist level in front of you, touch your fingertips together with your fingers pointing away from you. This acts as the "third leg of the stool" and helps to ground you.
  3. From the bottom of your feet, send your roots down deep into the earth. You may visualize your roots like the roots of a tree.
  4. Consciously set your intention on grounding.
  5. When you feel grounded, let go and let the energy of Mother Earth rise up through your roots and into your body, filling you up.
Call in Your Energies
When we do spiritual practices, especially healing, we are "putting ourselves out there," extending ourselves (including our energetic selves) out into the world. This can sometimes leave us vulnerable and over-extend our energies.

To rebuild your energy core, call in your energies.
  1. Visualize (or feel) the extension of your aura, way out there.
  2. Quietly to yourself, call in your energies with your intention.
  3. Visualize (or feel) your aura coming back in toward you until it is only a foot or so around you.
  4. Hold that feeling and hold the energies in around you consciously for a few minutes or as long as you feel comfortable.

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